Prep Online process

Amazon FBA Service

Our streamlined, hands-off Amazon FBA service is exceptionally efficient and covers the entire process
Let’s take a look at how this process plays out.


Your stock is first sent to our prep centre and assigned by an account manager. After which, simply use our online inventory tracker to notify us of your purchase.


Once we receive your stock, we perform an audit to make sure there are no missing or damaged units. If discrepancies are found, we will notify you and provide evidence.


With permissioned access to the “Manage Inventory” section of Seller Central, we create and manage the FBA shipment workflow for your items. Please note that permissioned access does not give us access to your sensitive personal/business information.

We then complete the necessary prep, audit your items once more, and ready the shipment for delivery to Amazon.


Once a final audit has been performed, your shipment is sent to Amazon via UPS. We offer next-day UPS dispatch if stock is received before 10 am (1000 units maximum).

You will receive a notification once the stock is dispatched.


Your journey with us is more or less complete! An invoice for services rendered is sent monthly.

Exclusive deal tickets

For experienced Amazon FBA sellers, Prep Online also offer exclusive deal tickets. We will source and offer you a wholesale deal.